The Philosophy of the Journal
We currently face a critical juncture in history in which the political agenda is in serious need of reconceptualisation and rearticulation, to support the significant achievements that structure the architecture of our liberties, civilities and wellbeing against monumental challenges and dangers. Significant developments such as political and state violence, detention without trial, the removal of suspects from jurisdictions that provide protections of fundamental rights, use of evidence obtained through torture, mass compulsory drugging, mass incarceration, wrongful child removal by the state and the expansion of security powers and surveillance, are reversing a thousand years of Human and Civil Rights protections and all this in a context of economic chaos and decline. These examples constitute nothing less than the dismemberment of the fundamental principles of civilization. It is therefore vital for academics, thinkers, campaigners and others who seek to participate in the democratic process to have access to a forum that is open to incorporating their concerns, ideas, initiatives and proposals and is able to accept controversy, debate and critical thinking. Philosophy has a duty to confront threats to our liberties, civilities and treasured lifestyles. All disciplines have evolved from the one unifying transdiscipline of philosophy, and argument and critique is the duty that all disciplines have inherited from their philosophical origins. Argument and critique is the essential prerequisite of appropriate actions. Hence, argument and critique is the unifying focus of our journal. Whereas academic journals have previously tended to be organized along subject or geographical lines, Argument & Critique [A&C] is organized around Libertarianism. The journal aims to stimulate debate and critical thinking around controversial topics. We hope to contribute to the Libertarian agenda across a broad front of popular issues. We are open access, meaning that readers have free access to academic papers and no fees are charged to authors. Open access sits coherently with the journal’s Libertarian philosophy. We are entirely non- profit making. Managing Editor The Managing Editor of the journal is Dr Lynne Wrennall who is the Executive Director, International Public Health Research Group, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. [email protected] Responsibilities of the Managing Editor: The Managing Editor is responsible for the administration of all articles through the review process to publishing, ensuring timely processing of the articles, commissioning staff as needed. Responsible for publicity and reputation of the journal. She is also responsible for maintaining financial records relevant to the journal. Please send correspondence to: Dr Lynne Wrennall, Managing Editor, Argument and Critique. [email protected] Argument & critique ISSN 2059-7606 |
Thoughts worth Thinking
I tend to use my page on the journal in a somewhat unstructured way to showcase short writings and artistic works. These are some of the thoughts that express the ideals, insights, feelings and aspirations, of the journal.
‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.’ Albert Einstein “Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear.” Albert Camus. 'It is kind of a spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.' Albert Camus. ‘Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like Nascar drivers, then we know who owns them.' Robin Williams.’ ‘If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you may as well use both feet.’ Keith Richards 'There’s simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion.' Daniel C. Dennett He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap." Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 'Men are different. They propound mathematical theorems in beleaguered cities, conduct metaphysical arguments in condemned cells, make jokes on scaffold, discuss, the last new poem while advancing to the walls of Quebec, and comb their hair at Thermopylae. This is not panache; it is our nature.’ C. S. Lewis 'Don’t try to win over the haters, you are not a jackass whisperer.' Brené Brown And of course this is worth remembering: “Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.” Frederick Neitzsche |